Friday, May 13, 2011


I'm not sure why, but this blog site deleted my last post about going to Johns Hopkins that I posted Wednesday I think. I haven't heard more since then. My head was pretty bad Thursday but today is more tolerable. If the other post isn't restored, I might just write it again so I remeber how this all has happened.

1 comment:

KPhilipsen said...

Hi Cindy,
The post is back, I see. I read it last night and then planned to show it to my students this morning, but alas, it was not there! I'll show them on Monday.

We are praising God with you for the willingness of the Johns Hopkins doctors to meet with you! We hope and pray that they will be able to help you.

We'll continue to pray for relief from your current headache.

With love,
Kim Philipsen and the OCCS 6th graders