Friday, May 6, 2011


Another dead end road. I seem to find a lot of those, but the Lord has opened another path for me each time, and I am praying that I find the path that I must take or find contentment in the situation I am now in.

The ns in SF, Dr Puumala, refuses to adjust the shunt. He does not believe that it provided the relief that I experienced last time and will not consider doing it again. After much frustration, I have decided that I need to accept this and go on. I don't think any other ns that works with this shunt will adjust it either, since they don't like to work on another surgeon's work. Adjusting the shunt is a simple procedure that uses a specific tool made for this brand of shunt. They set it near the shunt valve behind my right ear, press a button and it adjusts. However, you have to have the computerized tool to do it.

We will wait to hear from Johns Hopkins and see if they will consider seeing me. I am going to explore my pain medication options and see if we can make something work for now.

This is really hard, but I am trusting that the Lord does have a plan. I may wake up tomorrow and the pain may be reduced again. If it can intensify suddenly, it can be relieved suddenly, too. The verse that I learned when I was young runs through my mind. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths." At the moment I don't remember where it is found but I know that God is good all the time, and I need to trust Him in this.

1 comment:

Carey said...

That doc needs a good kick in the rear. That said, you're right, God has a plan. He knows His plans for you, and they are not to harm you but give you HOPE and a future. Praying for answers (or just plain ole healing!) soon.