Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Another good day! I am so very thankful!

I am finding that my my head is back to where it was before this episode, but my nervous system hasn't settled down yet. So I am still super sensitive to noises, activity, etc. I have had this problem consistently, but it is always much worse during the headaches. I remembered today that every time I've had a pressure headache I ended up having surgery so I would imagine that the time on pain meds, etc., gave time for my nerves to calm down without me realizing it. This time it is a little frustrating that it isn't much better like the headache! But I would imagine that will get better with some time.

I have also found that I have lost some strength again after a good three weeks of headaches. So I will have to work that up again. But overall, I have much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

KPhilipsen said...

Dear Cindy,
I checked your post on Monday night and wanted to write to you, but I didn't even know what to say. So I just have been in prayer for you. Now I had my first chance to read since Monday and find that you are doing much better! Praise the Lord! We will be praying that this improvement continues.
Brent and Kim Philipsen and the OCCS 6th grade