Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I am a little discouraged that I haven't heard from the St Louis or Columbus doctors. It is hard to understand why doctors seem to be so unwilling to work on my case. I have always tried to be pleasant with those that I worked with and have generally not called a lot or made a pest of myself. In fact, the SF NS that was so rude to me had not heard from me for over a year. Having this rare problem is just difficult because I feel like I am on my own so much of the time.

Now I struggle with what to do. Should I continue working on finding another doctor to see if more can be done? Or should I just be content with where I am? If I need a shunt adjustment I will have to go to SF. I will NOT go there if the shunt needs to be replaced! At this point my Milwaukee doctor is willing to continue working with me on that if necessary and I do trust him. So I am kind of at a crossroad and just not sure where to turn. There is also the doctor at Johns Hopkins that I can pursue and I about have that paperwork about ready. I just haven't finished it because I don't know if it is worth going out there now. I really don't know if I can get better.

1 comment:

Carey said...

Keep fighting the fight Cindy. We don't know what the future holds but we know Who holds the future. Praying specifically for answers on your next step!