Monday, June 29, 2009


Today has been the best day Cindy has had since she's been in the hospital. YEA!!!!!!!!!
She wasn't nauseated this morning and there hadn't been much coming out of her stomach since midnight so they pulled out the tube. Her blood tests are all coming back much better and the enzymes from her pancreas are coming down. She started taking some clear liquids this afternoon and that has gone well. I've been talking to her on the phone and her voice is again strong. This morning she could only whisper. She is hoping that they can still do surgery yet this week, but that is quite doubtful. She was in such terrible shape this weekend and now it is just a total turnaround - truly a miracle!! She will probably remain in the hospital yet and a few days after surgery, but at least she is doing better! She is trying to talk them into letting her come home for a couple days, but with the external tubes and the bags holding the spinal fluid, I don't think that will happen.

All the prayers everyone has been offering up for her are being answered - Thank you all so much!!!

Kathy (We are going home and celebrating!!)


Mary and Lyle said...

This is the best news I've heard in weeks! I'm so thrilled that she is having a good day. This is just wonderful!! I'm praying that things will continue to go this way, that she'll have the surgery when the time is right, and that she'll be on her way home. We were all so down and discouraged over the weekend, as I know all of you were. This was just such wonderful news to read! We are rejoicing with you!


Tilstra's said...

This is very good news! We'll continue to pray that matters may continue in this very positive direction with surgery and a return home very soon. Praising God!

Anonymous said...

We are so thankful to hear the progress that Cindy is making and pray that she may continue to regain her strength for yet one more surgery in the upcoming days.If you stop and think about ALL the THOUSANDS of PRAYERS that have been heard by our heavenly Father, how GREAT our God is!! Great is thy faithfulness!!!!!!!!!!
We continue to remember you and Kyle and your children and families in our daily prayers.
Love, Uncle Al,Aunt Alice & family

Anonymous said...

Prayers are being heard and answered:) Finally some good news, something to celebrate. Cindy don't try to push too hard. Remember the body needs this time to heal so you a so very strong for surgery. I am sure that you are going stir crazy being in the hospital this long. Let God's hands heal you! Yeah for the wonderful news!


Anonymous said...

Rejoicing with you!

God is good!

May the healing continue!


Anonymous said...

so happy to hear the very good news! still praying...

Anonymous said...

This is indeed good news. Thinking of you and praying for complete recovery.
Kyle and Cindy you both have been so strong through all this.
The Lord will continue to help you and we pray that you soon will be able to go home to your "normal activities".
Nina K

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear you are doing better!! What a wonderful blessing!! Still praying daily and hope all continues to go well!!
~Steve Pat and Ethan Sandbulte