Tuesday, June 9, 2009

On Monday her stomach pain become more severe and so Kyle took her to Rock Valley where they submitted her into the hospital. She stayed the night and the pain continued to get worse. THey ran some tests but are still unsure of what is going on. She is being transferred to McKennan Hospital in SIoux Falls at this time. They are going to have various doctors consult to see whats going on. It may be shunt related or may not be. Will keep you posted as we get more info.


Anonymous said...

Thank-you for the update, we pray for relief and answers to all the pain that Cindy is having.Please keep us posted.
Uncle Al & Aunt Alice

Miriam said...

Aaawww, Cindy! Rats, rats, rats! But though we don't "get" it, God is in charge--praying for relief for your pain soon!!!!