Tuesday, June 23, 2009

6-23 Another Bump in the Road

Some of the news we have been getting isn't as positive as we would like, so I seem to procrastinate a little in updating. Good news is always easier to post.

Cindy did have a blood transfusion yesterday, but it only brought the platlete level from 40 to 52, not a very big increase.

The neurosurgeon took some spinal fluid out of each one of her shunts on top of her head yesterday. There is fluid draining from each shunt into separate sterile bags that are yet external. The strange thing is the fluid in one bag is clear and it is yellow in the other bag. This is now more of a concern than the platletes and the dr is wondering if there is a connection between these two problems. They are also wondering if there is a connection to this and her nausea that just won't go away. The cultures they are doing on the fluid won't be back for a couple days, but hopefully we will get some answers yet today. Tomorrow is day 14 for the antibiotics, so hopefully that will be one less tube. She is getting fed intervenously, and is trying hard to eat a little.

Cindy is really enjoying all your emails that are being sent to the hospital and also all the cards etc. Someone delivers them once a day and that really gives her something to look forward to. Cindy does not have access to a computer so she can't reply or read the comments left on this blog, but she will when she gets home!!

It's hard to understand why the Lord is putting Cindy and the family through all this, and it seems like our faith is really being tested through all of this, but we also know that God does have a plan for everything. Please continue to pray for her physical needs but also her spiritual needs as well.

Thankyou, Kathy

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