Thursday, June 25, 2009

Bad Day

The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow 6/26 at 11:00. Needless to say, Cindy is very anxious about it and I'm sure scared also. She is just not having a good day, more nauseated than before and has a headache again.
She is getting more transfusions again today. Her platelets and white blood cells
did increase yesterday, but they are thinking something is destroying them, possibly her spleen, but hopefully that will correct itself once she is better.
Kyle and the two little ones were there this morning and he took her outside for awhile, but Kyle said too, not a good morning, many tears. She wanted me to come up later afternoon, which I will do when this is done.
Since this surgery is going to involve the whole front section of her head, she will be getting another GI - sure is easy for her to get ready that way with no hair! But that is the least of her concerns! Hair grows back.
Please keep her in your prayers that everything will go well with surgery and that she will be able to recover from all of this.
Thank you all so much!!


Carey said...

Thanks for keeping us updated, Kathy. Praying for strength and peace for you, Marv, Kyle, the kids and the rest of the family as well.

Mary and Lyle said...

We are very much in prayer for you all today!! We pray that God will guide the surgeon's hands. We pray for a successful surgery and healing after the surgery. Thinking of you ALL as this is not an easy day for you.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again for keeping us updated. We just got word from Kyle that surgery was cancelled today due to high white blood cell counts. We are praying that they find the source of infection. I know Cindy is disappointed that surgery was cancelled, but we all want her well enough to go into surgery first! We hope that they can find the cause for her severe nausea. We will keep praying for health and strength!
God Bless~