Friday, June 26, 2009

No surgery

Another huge disappointment! Cindy was even more sick and nauseated this morning. The neurosurgeon came in this morning and didn't like what he saw. He called the surgeon, checked on her blood tests and they cancelled the surgery as she was on her way to the surgery room. Her white blood cells went from 2,500 yesterday to 16,000 today which is an indicator of more infection. They have already done more blood cultures and she is now getting another CT scan of her whole belly area. As Cindy said again this morning, "I just can't do this anymore". She did just come back from the CT scan and is feeling a little better, so it is wait and see again.

Only our Lord knows what is happening and why, and we have to continue to trust in Him. We know God has the answers, but it is so very hard to watch Cindy go through this and know how much she has and is suffering. Please continue to keep Cindy in your prayers. They are needed so much right now.

Thanks for all your support!


Anonymous said...

Yes, we are disappointed too! We feel so badly for Cindy,and all of you, she has been such a trooper! We pray that she will continue to feel some better and that the drs will get to the bottom of this. We know there is only one physician that knows all and heals all, and we will plead to Him.
The Cammengas

Shianne said...

Hang in there! Better said, hang on to Jesus with all you've got. Praying for you!

Carey said...

Ok, it was me that posted, not Shianne! Didn't realize she was signed in. She'll pray too...

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that Cindy is not doing as well and struggling in many ways. We feel so badly for her and the whole family. We continue to pray dilligently for healing in the Master's plan, peace, and moment-by-moment mercies. God be with all of you.

The Tilstra's said...

That was our comment above. For some reason it posted anonymously.
Ever praying...........