Friday, June 19, 2009

More encouraging news!

We do get conflicting news sometimes and this was one of them but a good one. The head neurosurgeon was in this morning and now says there was no infection in the spinal fluid, which is great news!!! She is on day 9 of the 14 day antibiotic treatment. If she stays well after the 14 days, they are talking about doing the shunt surgery by the end of next week. So this may be wishful thinking on our part, but hopefully she will be able to come home by the beginning to mid week of June 29.

Another positive is they gave family members permission to take Cindy outside by wheelchair to get a little fresh air (it probably smells better up there than it does in Rock Valley!!). Kyle took her out this morning and she fully enjoyed it!!

If any of you would like to email Cindy, she would really appreciate it. She doesn't have access to a computer, but you can send emails through the hospital. Go to and click on email patient and that should work.

Our prayers are being answered again, God is faithful!! Please give God thanks for your health, it seems that we don't appreciate it until we lose it. Thanks again so much for all your prayers and concern. They are appreciated more than you will ever know!!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Cindy and family,
I am so happy to hear some good news for you! I am also so happy that there are some good days ahead to look forward to. What a great idea to have the baby shower at the hospital! I hope to visit again sometime next week. In the meantime, you are in my prayers each day. Have a great time with Tami and the baby!