Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We're home

We made it home. Again, it was probably the easiest trip home that I have had after surgery--such a blessing! Best news first--I still do not have a headache at all! My head is perfectly clear and it is so awesome!

The night last night wasn't so great. The pain increased quite a bit where I have the incision and I got behind with the pain. So I didn't get much sleep and really didn't get on top of it until this morning. I am staying on top of it with pain meds now and as long as I take them regularly I am doing ok, although I am certainly not skipping. :) It is rather funny to me in a strange way that my stomach hurts this much when I don't really remember having this much pain from the incisions from previous surgeries. What I have concluded is that stronger pain trumps smaller pains. Holes drilled in my head created quite a bit more pain then incisions in my stomach so my focus was on the pain in my head. Since I don't have that pain to "distract" me the incision in my stomach hurts. As I have said before, I will take this any day over the headache.

Thank you so much for the comments! It was fun to see so many encouraging comments tonight! We also appreciate so many prayers on our behalf. We are praying that my head will remain clear. I would think that the incision pain won't last all that long. It is a little early to tell whether the abdominal pain is gone now that I am taking so much pain medication but it seems to be much better. I would think that the irritation will take a little while to improve. About 7 inches of tubing was removed this time.

The kids are staying with Aunt Lisa and Grandpa & Grandma yet tonight. I am pretty exhausted so hopefully tonight will go a little better with pain control and sleep and each day will be a better day.

I am going to end with a couple verses I previously studied & read again last night: Ecclesiastes 7:13 & 14 Consider the work of God: who can make straight what He has made crooked? In the day of prosperity be joyful, and in the day of adversity consider: God has made the one as well as the other, so that many may not find out anything that will be after him.


Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy!

So glad to hear all the good news. We were at Pahoja yesterday, so didn't get to read yesterday and today's entry til now. I was so thrilled how smoothly everything went. I can tell you are upbeat and the headache isn't bothering much at all. I'm hopeful this surgery will get rid of all the abdominal pain. Looking forward to doing supper together. Take care, rest, trust in Him!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy and Kyle,
We've been traveling,so when I logged on tonight and read the last 3 blogs from you, we were so excited!
We'll keep praying that this is the last surgery and that drainage and healing will continue as they should, with God's blessing!
Love and prayers

Anonymous said...

Awesome again! Through Him...