Thursday, June 11, 2009

Another surgery over

After an extremely difficult (and scary) morning, they got her vitals and pain somewhat under control. When I got there before 7:00, monitors were ringing, she was struggling to breathe, and in just extreme pain and the nurse just wasn't doing anything. When the Dr. walked into her room at 8:00 am, she just sent her immediately into ICU and ordered many more tests.
After tests results were in yesterday afternoon, it was decided to do surgery, their diagnosis was peritonitis in the belly area. They had ruled out infection in the spinal fluid ( the neurosurgeon actually took a little spinal fluid right out of one of the shunts, so she didn't have to have another spinal tap), so they left the tubes in from her shunts, but pulled them out during surgery through her chest area so they are now external for the next week or two. She went into surgery about 7:00 pm. They had found fluid around her one lung and spleen on the CT scan, and that is where the infection was. They cleaned that out and didn't find any more in her lower abdomin area. Cindy requested they also take out her apendix and gall bladder, since there is family history or problems with each of these, and that was also done because he didn't want to have infection in her belly area from either of these organs in the future because of the shunts. The incision is quite large and she was in alot of pain last night. She is still in ICU, but may be moved out by later afternoon. According to the DR yesterday, she will probably be in the hospital about a week, but will have to have another surgery to cut off the tubes at chest area that are now external and put them inside somewhere again, and the where still has to be determined. The best would still be her belly area, but since she is so thin and has no fat on her organs, those tubes are causing some irritation so it's wait and see again what will be the best option.
Thanks again so much for all your prayers and support!
Kathy Kaptein (Cindy's mom)


Frank Bulk said...

Thanks for the update. We can thank God that the doctors were able to identify and problem and address (what we pray is) the issue.

We continue to keep you in prayer.

The Bulk family

Unknown said...

Cindy and family we are just praying for you all. This all sounds so scary. Our hearts go out to you and to the ones who love you and hate to see you suffer so!
You are in our thoughts and prayers!

Anonymous said...

Kyle and Cindy,
Thank you so much for the updates, it lets us know what to pray for! Sally and I have spent many hours in that ICU area and know that it is a stressful time. We continue to pray for complete healing for Cindy and for strength for Kyle, kids and the rest of the family. Please know that many in the neighborhood are lifting you up in prayer!
Scott and Sally

Anonymous said...

I wish I could use my sales abilities as your FSA and make all your pain, frustrations, and setbacks go away. I think of you often and I miss coming to your office. I look forward to the time when you and i are with clients again making the big sales for State Farm.
My best to you, Kyle, and your family. I pray that each day gets better and that the pain goes away entirely

Jeff Bremer

Dawn said...

Continuing to pray for you guys. And SO GLAD you went in when you did!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I haven't read your blog since Sat. How things change. We will continue to keep you in our prayers. May God continue to hold your hand through this all. -Deb

Carey said...

Hey Cindy, Kyle, Kathy, and all...
I can't help but question God why Cindy you are going through yet more again. Which I'm sure has gone through everyone's minds. Praying you can rest in the assurance that HE ALONE can see the whole picture. It will be great when we all are in Heaven and can see the whole picture as well. So very thankful they found the problem in time. Praying for you! and sending our love.