Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday - The Lord's Day

Although Cindy is looking better than yesterday, she has definately taken a step backwards these last couple days. But we do have more answers today. Cindy has developed Pancreatitis from the removal of her gall bladder. It should heal itself in a couple days but absolutely no eating or drinking and she has to keep the tube in for another 2 to 3 more days to keep the stomach empty so it can heal. Her blood levels are improving, so when she is able to have surgery, that is OK. They are still thinking surgery might be Tuesday, but need to see how she is doing. Her stomach and intestines have shut down, so that all has to get working again but that's good because the pancreas has to heal first. Isn't it amazing how we were all created. The body is such an intricate creation, if everything isn't perfectly in sync, it doesn't work.

Tomorrow it will be 3 weeks since Cindy entered the hospital in Rock Valley and many ups and downs since then. Kyle had all the kids at home this week. The 2 little ones were going to go to Karleen, but Riley (#3) just wanted to stay home with dad. They are all doing well, but missing mom of course. Kyle is pretty amazing!! Kyle and the two older kids are coming to the hospital this afternoon, and we might take them home later and let Kyle and Cindy have some time for themselves.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. Cindy loves all your emails!


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