Saturday, December 13, 2008

We made it!

We are in Milewaukee and doing ok. The trip went well. The shots didn't make me sleep--I don't think my brain will shut off anymore without sleep meds--but made it tolerable. The last couple hours weren't quite as good but tolerable.

We had time to talk today about how many blessings we have experienced through this difficult journey. How do we say thank you to so many? So many have blessed us and we know the Lord has worked through many to minister to us. Very humbling.

After looking back at a few updates from the past, I have figured out that I have spent about 30 nights in the hospital in 2 years. Hopefully this stay won't add to many more days!

We hope to have a quiet day tomorrow. We are both very ready for the surgery to be take place.


Carey said...

Hang in there Cindy! Be strong, for "the Lord your God is with you wherever you go..."

Praying for you and your kiddos back home.

Anonymous said...

Kyle and Cindy,

Thank goodness for the safe trip and it probably gave you both some time to reflect on this long journey! Praying that the journey is near the end! Praying that the day to day normal life will be coming soon for you! We do pray for you continuously and can't wait for the great healthy road to recovery!

Michele Hofman

Sangelini said...

I hope the surgery goes well! Good luck, your in my prayers!