Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday morning update

Good morning, this is Kathy. Kyle was called into the hospital earlier this morning to meet with the doctor. Cindy had a CT scan yesterday afternoon and it showed her brain had moved and blocked the shunt. She has to go back into surgery late afternoon and he will reposition her brain again, but as he says "just a simple procedure". He will go into the same incision to do it. He had to move her brain around a little to get the shunt in and it moved back and caused the blockage. The soreness in her head he said is caused by the surgery and also her stomach soreness is because they had to cut through muscle when the put the tube into her stomach. The doctor was very incouraged though that this will take care of her headaches. Please continue to keep them in your prayers especially this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

Kyle & Cindy,

You have many prayer warriors on your side! God listens to prayer! Sounds like this is the ticket to a healthy life! Take your progress one day at a time. We will pray for strength, patience and healing! If you both shave your heads you will look just like Curt! If I say so myself bald isn't so bad! Not that I am going to try it! Well good luck w/ the surgery! Praying all goes well!

Michele Hofman

Carey said...

Praying praying praying!!!! Thanks for updating Kathy.