Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Not sure what to write, but I know a few are wondering what happened today. The spinal tap ended up being a little more then uncomfortable--they kept hitting nerves & finally stopped for a while then tried again more successfully.

The results were not what we expected. The reading was 16 and normal is under 20. Not sure what this means at this point, but we had so hoped that this is the answer. Maybe it still will be but I need to do more research. I am supposed to call the neuro on Thursday with the results & how I am feeling. They did pull out two vials of fluid to see what happens and I am feeling a little better now. We'll see what happens the next few days.

We are disappointed and discouraged. I haven't been answering email/phone today--just need some time. Please pray for us.


Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy,

We prayed for you yesterday and we will continue to pray for you today and into the future. I am still hoping that somehow this spinal tap is still the answer. It just seems crazy the instant relief you had the last time they did this. It seems like it has to be related to your headaches. We are thinking of you today and commending you to HIS care. Love you.


Anonymous said...

I know you are frustrated and confused by this spinal tap's results. I am praying that when you call your neurosurgeon, he will put some insight to this new twist in your journey. Keep your faith that has got you to this point. God will take care of you. A lot of people are praying for your recovery and for answers to your headaches. Keep in mind when one door closes, God will open another door. We are all patiently waiting with you for the right door to be opened! God bless you...

Anonymous said...


As frustating as your results were yesterday! Maybe this just means that the medicine was doing it job. Helping your body to produce less spinal fluid! As you feel discouragment and weakness turn to God to carry you through this difficult journey! God listens to pray and there are several prayers being said for you and your family. Praying for resolution, strength and patience.
