Thursday, December 4, 2008


Tara looked good yesterday and I have hope that her tubes won't have to come out. We find that out today.

The doctor decided to order a few more tests on me just to make sure we aren't missing anything. He said they are grasping at straws but thought we would do a few things that either haven't been done or not done in a couple years. They will do quite a few tests with blood and are also scheduling an ultrasound of my heart. My blood pressure has always been unusually low so they want to make sure there isn't something going on there that has been missed. (my top # is usually in the upper 80's to lower/mid 90's--but I don't remember the bottom. Evidently a couple times when I was in bad shape the top dropped to about 70) My impression is that a shunt isn't out of the question since I have had relief from the headaches again after the spinal tap, but the ns would have to determine that.

I will leave a message for the neurosurgeon today but I am assuming that I won't hear back right away. We'll see what he has to say.

It was good to have a relatively pain free day yesterday. I am desperately anxious for answers and normalicy in our lives. Please pray for us!

1 comment:

Mary and Lyle said...

Hi Cindy,

Did you have a headache-free day again today? or not? We just still think it has to be connected to this spinal tap and we keep praying there is an answer in all this. We are thinking of your family so much. Thinking of Tara too with her ears. Hope that you have a restful night tonight and a headache-free weekend if the Lord wills. Take care!
