Friday, December 19, 2008

Making a run for it

We had about a foot of snow here in Milwaukee last night. The roads are cleared a bit and we just decided to try to make a run for it and see how close we can get to home before the next storm comes through. We can't beat them because we are heading into them, but decided if we don't try now we probably won't be able to leave until Monday.

I am staying on my pain meds very regularly and that is keeping the pain much more tolerable then the headaches were. I am struggling a bit with nausea again but I will keep taking the drugs for that, too. Hopefully we can get home and then I can work on recovering there. We are both ready to get out of here! Please pray for safe travel--we could be seeing some tricky roads.
Hopefully next time I write will be from home! :) Then, happy healing and Merry Christmas--I am ready.

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