Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Not much new

I had the ct scan done with a few more blood tests. It went well and I hope to get results in the next day or two. This seems very small and much more tolerable then my head. I can think through abdominal pain! The headaches are staying steady. I guess the best description is that I feel lopsided and my brain hurts when I move my head, but otherwise just aches.

We've done a little more checking about shunt adjustments being done closer. We have found that I will need a neurosurgeon to do that--neurologists don't work with them from what we are finding. Also, the closest ns's that work with my particular kind of shunt (which I needed due to the chiari issue) is in Omaha. So we are contemplating if or how to find out if an Omaha ns would see me but really don't want to lose the connection with Milwaukee. We'll see how that turns out. Traveling 2 1/2 hours one way is much more tolerable then 8!

Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement.


Anonymous said...

Cindy, You are in our family's thoughts and prayers each day. We will pray specifically for a breakthrough today so that you can have relief. Please let us know if you need help with the kids. They are welcome to come over. God bless your day! Eric & Stephanie Walhof

Anonymous said...


Still praying. Hang in there! Let us know if you need us in any way. I have more bars than Dave can eat if you'd like some sweets for your family. Maybe chocolate will help ease the pain (haha).
Take Care~
