Thursday, January 29, 2009

Interesting day

Well, it was an interesting day. The abdominal issue is a question mark but no masses, tumors or evidence of anything to worry about. The blood tests are normal--I had hoped again one would be off so I could just start taking a pill and get better.

I called Dr Heffez in desperation b/c the headaches are so difficult to deal with again. He called me today and asked me to get a spinal tap again to see if the pressure is normal to confirm the shunt is working properly. I was able to get that done this afternoon and found the pressure is a little higher then it was before the shunt surgery. Evidently the doctor left for vacation after talking to me because his office called to let me know he is out and that he would call me on Tuesday. Thankfully he isn't gone for weeks, but right now Tuesday feels like a very long time and then I am not sure what will happen. But evidently I am not having low pressure headaches but high pressure since the pressure is higher then it was before and I was having headaches then, too. So I don't know if this means that the shunt is blocked (or partially) in my brain, not working, or if I am just making too much spinal fluid for the shunt to keep up with. The shunt is open as far as he will allow--only 1/2 a setting from the most open--so another adjustment isn't an option. The only options I know of at the moment would be going back on that medication I had been on in November--which did not go well at all--or another surgery. But then I am not a brain surgeon and have guessed wrong many times.

1 comment:

Carey said...

Praying for answers, soon! Or a miracle healing...that would be even better! Also praying because of the spinal tap you get relief this weekend and Tuesday doesn't seem so far away. Love ya!