Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednestday Morning

I talked to Cindy earlier and she is in quite a bit of pain again and nauseated. So she is on medication for both. They took out the two valves on top of her head, ran both tubes from inside her brain down behind her right ear and joined them to one and also put the new valve behind her ear also. The tube then went down in front of her rib cage and under it and then over her liver. They did this part of the surgery laporoscopically and put an incision between the two bottom ribs so they could manuever the tube to place it. This is where most of her pain is right now. Hopefully this pain and nausea will soon be over and she can start eating again so she can come home.

This was Cindy's 7th surgery in 6 1/2 months so her body has been through so much. She was feeling so good yesterday morning and was really getting stronger which should help now with her recovery, but that poor body of hers does have a long ways to go. She also has a a very easy hairdo again, won't even need shampoo for awhile!! But that really doesn't concern her much anymore. Hair grows back!

Thanks again for all the prayers and concern.


Pamela said...

Aunt Kathy I am so glad that you are keeping us updated. Glad that surgery seems to be a success and hopefully this will be the one to end this vicious cycle on her body. We are thankful that God has in His own way sent you to be near her in these last few years and that you are such a strong supportive family for her. Prayers for Kyle and the children for strength to continue with normal tasks and those over and above. And of course for Cindy, that she may find her strength sooner than later. Terry and Pamela

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the updates. I am also thankful for all of Cindy's and Kyle's families! Without them this would've been a lot harder on Kyle, Cindy and the children. Thank God surgery went well and it is over!! :-) Now, let the healing begin and pray that Cindy can return to a more normal life! Praying for her appetite and strength to return as well.
God Bless all of you!

Mary and Lyle said...

Thinking of you all today! I am praying for strength to be regained for Cindy. It takes patience, yet again! Pray that she may be eating soon! We are all so anxious for her to get back home. Also praying that the pain goes away! God bless!


Anonymous said...


Eat, Eat, Eat!!! Hoping and praying that today you were starting to feel better. Thank goodness the surgery is over and you can focus on eating so you can come home! Praying that feel better and can get out that hospital.
