Saturday, July 25, 2009

We finally broke down and rented a wheelchair today. I really can't go out much because I am too weak to walk far at all. I have been opposed to it because I guess I just didn't want to admit that I needed it or maybe hoped I would regain strength faster. Well, today it was clear that it was time. So we got out of the house for a while this afternoon and it was so nice. Now I am pretty tired and will head to bed in a moment. I think I am getting stronger but it is very slow. I think I went backwards for a few days when returning from Florida but that isn't so surprising. I can walk around for a while and do my physical therapy exercises but spend a lot of time sitting and I have to lay down in a quiet area for a few hours a day. But, I am making progress. Patience is a virtue that I need to continue working on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy to read that you could get out! I think the wheel chair is a great idea! Way to go! You can enjoy going out, gain strength, and not pay for over doing! Thanking the Lord for every day of gain!