Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Home again

Wow, life is really crazy. Up until the morning that I got on the plane, I really didn't think that I would be able to go to Florida. After all, I had just had 3 surgeries within 1 1/2 months and been in hospital 2 days short of 5 weeks. The Lord really answered our prayers, and it went much better then I had hoped. I am still very weak and have a huge amount of recovering to do, but just being there with the family after all the challenges we have had was amazing. Thank you for praying for us! Kyle and the kids are on the road today and tomorrow and I am praying that they will get home safely as well.

Yesterday was my 40th birthday. I am glad that I made it to this birthday! There have been days that my family wondered if I would be here to celebrate this day. I am not sad about being 40 at all--it really is an accomplishment and I hope a start to a new and better time in my life. :)

Today I get the stitches out of my head. I started counting incisions and "openings" that were made during this last 5 week stint and have decided that I definitely have some war wounds! I have 3 incisions on my head, one on my side where the chest tube went in (and that one bothers me the most!), 2 on my chest where the shunt tubes were externalized, the 12 inch incision running down the middle of my stomach and the three smaller incisions used to place the shunt tubing in the new place next to my liver. Add that to previous surgeries and I definitely have had a few to many surgeries! :)

I will write more later. I really just wanted to write that things went well overall and I am now ready to be home for a while. I am praying that the Lord will grant me health and strength!

One more thing, please pray for Chic Van Ginkel. He was injured in a work related accident and has a brain injury that is extremely serious. He is in ICU and really needs a lot of prayers. He is the brother of Joyce in our office.


Anonymous said...

Cindy - I am so glad you were able to join your family in Florida! Those memories will definitely not be forgotten! It was so good to see you the other day & I pray that God will continue to strengthen you.

-Thinking of you & your family,

Jenipher Vdt

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY, CINDY!!!!!!!!!Wish that we could be there to celebrate that with you and your family! Glad to hear that your trip to Florida went well. May you continue to gain your strength and health and may God bless you with many more years to enjoy the countless blessing's that He bestows each day!

Love & prayers to all of your family, Uncle Al,Aunt Alice & fam.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy that you enjoyed your trip and the time with your family in Florida. Happy 40th Birthday and wish you many, many more! May your 40's be some of the best years of your life!! :)
God Bless~

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! so glad your time in fl went well. they say 40 is the new 20, don't they? :-) praying for all to go uphill from hear!