Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday yet

Just call from Johns Hopkins that I need to get checked into a hospital asap here so I will be going to Sioux City.  Just trying to pull a few things together and figuring out things and we will be heading out.  Please pray that things go well!


Anonymous said...

Praying, praying, praying!


Anonymous said...

Cindy we are praying for you and your whole family God with be with you
Jim & Marj

Anonymous said...

Lyle and I are praying for you too. Please let us know if there is anything we can do! Please let us know what they say there at the hospital! Feeling for you guys!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to understand why this is all happening, but God knows what is best! Take one day at a time! Prayers for you often. Just remember, God works in mysterious ways!

Dawn said...

Praying Cindy!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and your family. It is difficult to hear that you are back in the hospital again. I have been thinking a lot as I read your blog, and I mention this with much love and concern. You write that it must be "God's will" for you to be sick since you are sick and He "is sovereign". I wonder... then why ask for any prayer?

Why will Christ Jesus return for His Second Coming and "make all things right" if His will is always done now on earth?? In the Lord's Prayer, our example by Jesus Christ on how we should pray is to pray God's will would be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Why pray this way if His will is already being done always? Is it ever God's will for sickness, murder, genocide, child abuse, rape, incest, theft, etc to happen? No. If you were murdered on a street corner then it must have been "God's will" ?? No. If you decide to stay at home and refuse the help of doctors, then it is His will that you stay sick? If you go to the best doctors and they still can't help you, then it is God's will that you stay sick?? Paul's writings in the New Testament make it so clear that this is not the case. We are to fight the good fight, not passively say that this or that awful thing is happening and must be "God's will"/His mysterious way and His grace covers all. As the Bible tells us, God is able to work good out of all things to those who believe on Him, because He is the ultimate Overcomer. Whether we live or die. So what is there to overcome if it was His will from the beginning?? We will all die some day, but we are to seek His will, to fight the good fight. Your sickness is not evidence of His will. It is simply evidence that you are sick and that Christ has not returned yet to remove sickness and death completely from this earth. Realizing this truth has helped me to ask in my own life, is this God’s will or simply the enemy battling against me?