Thursday, February 17, 2011


Today Dr Heffez called. Unfortunately when I ordered my ct scans & shunt series from McKennan and overnighted it, they missed the records from Sunday's ER visit. Gr. . . so they finally found the scans after I called them today and they are now being overnighted. The bad news is that the doctor is out tomorrow and is in surgery on Monday. So this delay is significant to me because the surgery can't be scheduled until he has reviewed these and possibly had me do a spinal tap. I am going to beg him to let me skip the spinal tap--I hate those! But I probably will need it and once that result is called in I would hope that the surgery will be scheduled.

This morning I woke up feeling a little better so I decided to go to the office to take care of a few things. It did confirm in my mind that I need to get something done. I just can't think through things which is so frustrating! As before, I move slowly. My balance is off so I turn slowly so that I won't fall over. I can't handle much noise or light. And I have that "look" again that means that even strangers recognize that there is something wrong with me.

It is hard to be back on this road again. It seems like just yesterday that I was going down this path. Please pray for strength for me and my family. This has been hard for all of us to deal with again and rather scary to think that this might be how things go every 1.5 to 2 years. Overwhelming right now.

1 comment:

Carey said...

Praying for peace, friend. And HEALING.