Thursday, January 14, 2010


Not a lot to report today. The weather was a little better which helped, but now is a little unsettled. I've had some general stress that seems to make things worse. Of all the crazy things, our office front door won't open because the cement in front of it heaved up a tad bit too much. After 6 years in this office, you would think things would be fine, but. . .So people are routed through our back door as we try to figure out what to do. Someone is going to try to ground down the cement a little this afternoon so we will see how that goes. Work is extra busy, the kids are extra busy and Kyle is working exta nights at the pizza place. Add to that his elder responsibilites have resumed and it makes life a little crazier than I can really handle.

I've been thinking about pain, pain tolerance and its affects on us. I sometimes really wish I could be in another persons body and experience a headache they consier bad so I could compare. Am I am wimp? I don't think I am but yet somedays I do have to question about everything. How do each of us tolerate pain? How do we deal with it? How do you classify pain? I hate the pain scale that doctors use, although there has to be some way to measure pain. To me, a headache that is an 8 to a 10 is a headache that has me writhing in pain in a hospital or emergency room, unable to communicate effectively and hoping that death is coming quickly. :) I have seen others rate a headache an 8 to a 10 and still go to work, laugh and function somewhat normally. So what is a true 8-10 pain rating? I guess it doesn't matter really, but does make it difficult to describe to a doctor how you are feeling when the measurement is so subjective. I am totally guessing, but the daily headache that I have now is probably a headache that others would think is a "bad" headache and that makes me think about these things. Ultimately, it is what it is and each of us have to learn how to deal with pain in our own ways and as effectively as we can. My suffering isn't any more important or somehow worse than another persons suffering and pain, but just the burden that the Lord has given each of us to bear.


Mary and Lyle said...

Oh Cindy, there is NO WAY in the world that you are a whimp! Your pain tolerance is probably through the roof by now! I've seen you writhing in pain. It's so real. But we all do suffer with pain. Your physical pain has been unbearable many times! Another person's emotional pain may be unbearable too. For whatever reason the Lord has given this difficult physical pain as your cross to bear. Those of us that love an care for you are here to try and help you through it. Take care tonight! Thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt that your pain tolerance has to be on the top of the scale! You have dealt with so many headaches in your lifetime that it makes the rest of us look like whimps! My bad headaches create nausea, pain in my head, light & noise intolerance. However, you seem to deal with on a regular basis. Praying daily for you.