Sunday, September 26, 2010


I am excited to record that I have had the best couple of days that I have had for quite a while. Saturday and today have been so good! What a blessing to have a couple days that are good. I still have the headache, of course, but it is more mild and I could handle more noise yesterday and today than I have for a while. Oh, it feels so good to actually be closer to "normal!"

Today was a sad day as well. A member of our church lost her husband last night. He was failing for some time now, so it was certainly not unexpected. It is a blessing for him to be walking on streets of gold right now, but sad for the dear woman who will not see her husband again on this side of heaven. She is such a special lady and I mourn for her.

What a blessing good health is! I was scanning through a few pictures that I have on the computer and stumbled on a few of me after a couple of the surgeries & during the hospital stay. I can now see that I look a great deal better than I did then. What a blessing to be doing better! Perfect? Not nearly. But a lot better than "before."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Encouraging post.. will thank the Lord and continue to pray for better days