Sunday, November 29, 2009


I thought it might be interesting for you as it has been for me to compare how I was looking this summer in the hospital (holding my dear little nephew) and how I am looking now. I needed this reminder that I have improved so I had Tami email me the pictures she took this summer. I would say that I am looking a bit better! :) And you can check out my new hairdo! I actually have a style! (You can tell that I am still pretty excited about that!)
We enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday, and spent time as a family talking about the many things we are thankful for. One of the things that came up often is that I am home and doing better than I was this summer.
We took a family trip up to Watertown Friday--about 2.5 hours away--and visited the King Tut exhibit they had there. We had wanted to take the kids up there for a while, but the exhibit is leaving Dec 5 so we knew we had to get it done. Then we stayed overnight and visited the Terry Redlin gallery the next morning. Of course, I was severely exhausted so Saturday afternoon and today have been mostly times of rest. But I made it! And it went pretty well overall. What a joy to be able to do something like that! The wheelchair came in handy and it is still quite a undertaking for me to do something like this, but still another thing to be thankful for.


Carey said...

LOVE love the family pic!!! Glad you were able to make the weekend. Praying you'll recover from it (at least back to your "new normal") fast.

OH MY WORD. The word I have to type in for Word Verification in order to leave this comment is "rested" Hmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Your hairstyle is so nice and fits you so well! The family picture is beautiful! Look how far you have come in just a matter of months. :)
Pray this good streak just keeps going and going!
Take care~