Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so very much to be thankful for, and I hope each of you can find things to be thankful for in any circumstance that you find yourself. Sometimes we need to search a little further and reach inside a little more to be thankful. Last year at this time my family went to grandparents for Thanksgiving and I stayed home for the day. What a blessing that I will be able to go with my family and enjoy our fellowship with extended family! I am thankful that I am healthier than I was last year at this time, I have four healthy children that are growing in size and in their faith.

Sometimes it is hard to understand why we have struggles and why life can be so hard, in many ways including health but beyond that as well. I have learned through my struggles to yearn more and more for the Lord to come quickly. I don't think that I dwelt on that much before and now I think of the Lord's return so often! I spend much more time in devotions and prayer than I ever did before. So despite how difficult life has been, I truly have been blessed and have much for which to give thanks.

Now for the small things. First I was looking forward to just having hair--bald isn't so fun! Then I looked forward to having enough hair to cover my many scars on my head. Now I am excited that I have a hair style! Of course it is still quite short, but it actually looks like I may have chosen to have it like this! Progress and contentment. Although I will very quickly admit that I have learned that hair is not necessary--really is optional and not so important--it is really nice to have it again, styled. A learning curve!

Have a blessed Thanksgiving and give each of those you love a hug on this day of thanks. Try to focus on all the blessings that we have to be thankful for instead of the things we don't have. We each truly do have much to thank the Lord for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog through a google alert for IIH. My daughter has had it since 2000 and goes in and out of remission. I am so glad to see you are doing well now and can find beauty in the everyday things around you. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving.