Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Last week was a little rough. Way to many things happening for me to keep up with. By Sunday I was fairly miserable but I had a quiet day besides going to church and had a great nap in the afternoon. Yesterday and today have been better then usual--awesome! The weather remains clear which seems to help and I feel a little better. My headache is still there, the ears still ringing away, but overall I have had a couple better days and for that I rejoice!

I ran into someone today that I haven't seen since before all of this began, so it has been a few years. She immediately asked me what was wrong with me. I feel like I am looking more "normal" then I have for a long time, but it must still be obvious that I am not well since it was the first thing she asked. Oh, well. I am still better then I was and I will take this gratefully.


Anonymous said...

your positive attitude is contagious! thanks cindy!

Carey said...

Sorry I didn't get you called back! I always think of it in early afternoon and I don't want to wake you if you're resting. Glad you enjoyed them. =)