Saturday, December 5, 2009

Closer to Christmas

I have been so blessed! Yesterday and today have been very good days where my head is feeling clearer and not nearly as much pain. I so appreciate these days. This last week otherwise was not as easy. I am guessing because the weather was unsettled? My head was hurting more which wears me out. Perhaps being so busy the end of last week didn't help so much.

Sometimes I feel like a broken record--sorry. My head pain seems to vary quite a bit, but overall has been pretty tolerable. Eating has continued to slowly improve. Still can't seem to tolerate hamburger but I can eat a little ham now and a little beef roast. Progress in small steps. My abdominal incision is still quite red and ugly. It is still tender, but not nearly as much as it was. My abdomen is still a little tender as well. I don't like kids bumping their heads into my stomach for example, which happens with an enthusiastic and loving 6 year old sometimes. The incisions on my head are pretty well covered. The right side scar has been opened several times and doesn't show any signs of growing in hair but the left side seems to be getting a little hair growing in it.

As I have said before, I don't let myself go down the road of what the future holds for me very often, but occasionally my thoughts wander. But then, no one knows what the Lord has planned for their lives, so I need to rest content in that. I am so enjoying the blessings of life a little more normal. A church Christmas gathering with the ladies this morning was so awesome! We sang a few Christmas carols and I couldn't help but get choked up. What a blessing to be there and participate! I have missed so much so I am treasuring each event. Shortly we will be attending our older kids orchestra concert and I am excited that I can be there.

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