Monday, November 16, 2009


I've had some big weeks again. Good things, but rather challenging sometimes, too. This Friday we are going to Ames to watch Tanner in honor's orchestra with his cello. Such a honor that he qualified! We are really proud of him. Huge day for me, though! Last year I barely made it through the concert with earplugs (he qualified with voice last year) and wasn't able to tolerate the trip home so we stayed overnight unexpectedly. We hope to do it in one day this time, and I am hoping it goes a little better for me. I think I am doing better with the head this year but my strength is definitely much worse. I guess we will see how it goes!

It seems that I have leveled out in the strengthening process. I am not seeing progress and still get a stronger headache if I try to push it. That is a little frustrating. But staying level is better than nosediving, so we will take this for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so easy to push too hard but we have to listen to our bodies in order to heal and function at a tolerable level. I have learned that the hard way! Praying your strength will return and your headaches will stay at a level you can withstand.
Take care of yourself. :)