Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I have nothing new to report, which is a good thing I think! My headache is staying pretty steady at very tolerable. I hope and pray it stays like this! The pancreas is still bothering me. Yesterday morning I had an episode that was a little scary. I suddenly had extremely intense pain in my right side where the pancreas is. It came on very quickly and lasted maybe 30 seconds and then receded. It totally stopped me in my tracks and I was alone at home which scared me a bit since I couldn't move. So I don't know what that was, but this pancreas issue is getting a little old. I am longing for a good ole steak and some mexican food! :)


Carey said...

Hey! At least it's good that you're appetite is back~craving food, that's good! Praying the pancreas settles down soon. Is your dr concerned about it??

Anonymous said...

Hope & pray that the doctor appt goes well this coming week and that your pancreas heals so that you can enjoy your steak and mexican food! Also continue to pray that your headaches stay away or stay mild at the most.
Praying, praying, praying....

Tony Jelsma said...

Are you sure that pain was from your pancreas? Because the pancreas is more in the middle, right under the stomach, whereas the gallbladder is further on the right, underneath the liver. Was it shortly after you ate something? Jacquie has had similar pains after eating fatty foods, even eggs. Such foods cause the gallbladder to contract, but if there's a blockage (the duct goes through the pancreas), maybe that's the cause of your pain.
If that's the case, then I'm not so sure Mexican food is the way to go...