Friday, September 18, 2009

Another week

Time keeps passing. . . I feel like I say that over and over! :)

My mom reminded me that I am getting better because I am starting to see so many projects around the house that need to get done. I was expressing frustration that I just can't seem to get these things done and she reminded me that this is a very good sign because a few months ago and before with headaches, I couldn't think well enough to figure out what needed to be done. My sisters were checking the kids' clothes because I didn't have the where with all to figure out what they might need or what they had grown out of. So I may not be getting many projects done, but I am sure seeing them! :) My poor, poor husband. :)

My head is still doing pretty good although not quite as good as it had been. Maybe we can have the shunt adjusted open a little more when I go the end of September. I am a little nervous about that because the more that it drains the more likely it is that my brain will collapse on the tubing. We don't need that because that would then mean another surgery--yuck! So we will see what he has to say. It is still very good yet, though. I can think, listen to music, etc. It would be "interesting" to experience this headache in another time of my life just to see what I "normally" would think of it. I really think my pain tolerance has gone through the roof. I had a tetnus shot a month ago and I remember last time I thought it was achy and uncomfortable. This time I didn't notice it. The same holds through today--I had a flu shot and they warned me that it would probably ache for a few days and I am not feeling anything. Kind of funny. That is a very good thing, I guess!

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