Monday, August 3, 2009

Another surgery?

Not for me. . .Tanner had oral surgery today removing his 4 impacted wisdom teeth. :) Sorry--I hope I didn't scare you! It seems to be a rite of passage--something each of us needs to do but not so fun. Tanner has done well and I am relieved that the first day is about done.

I continue to do fairly well. Ironically, these last two storms haven't bothered my head which is great with me. So is it the weather or was it just coincidental? Who knows--we'll see what the next few storms bring.

My strength seems to very slowly progress although I have a difficult time seeing it sometimes. I need to lay down for 1-2 hours a day yet and I'm hoping that can go away soon. It seems like I just get to the point that I can't keep going. Part of it is laying down and part of it is a need to get away from all noise and activity which I attribute to the weakness yet. I get overwhelmed at home everyday yet and look forward to just being able to get through a day without getting overwhelmed and not needing to lay down.

That being said, I am making progress and enjoying time with my family. I am hoping to go in to our office a little bit this week and start getting my feet wet again. I will be going very slow. I really need to get to the point that I can get through a full day at home and feel ok before I will be able to hit the office full strength and that might be a while yet. But I am making progress.


Anonymous said...

so glad that things are moving in the right direction. praying it continues. take it easy, rest a lot, make simple goals, enjoy the minutes/hours/days as they come. gosh...lots of advice from someone you don't even know, eh?!? :-) praying for sustaiment. through Him...

Mary and Lyle said...

What a blessing to see progress. Even if it is baby steps, you have come SO far from a month ago!! I'm praising God today for giving you strength!

Carey said...

Wisdom teeth, not a huge deal but definately NOT FUN! Praying Tanner doesn't have any complications! Sounds like you're being wise in the take it slow department.

Hey, did you hear? We're looking forward to joining your neighborhood!!

Anonymous said...

It was good to see you in the office for a few minutes today! Praying your strength will return to you and you will be able to conquer a day without laying down to rest. It will come, maybe not as fast as you want it to!
Take care of yourself!