Wednesday, June 27, 2012


It has been a while since I have written.  Seems like we have celebrated the good news for a while and now settling down into routines again.  All very good, normal things.  We are very thankful!

Overall I have just discomfort in my left side.  Now and then it will hurt more for a while, but then seems to recede again to discomfort.  My head took a slight turn for the worse Sunday evening.  I decided to go to physical therapy on Tuesday since it was staying and that seems to have turned things the other way.  I will go once more tomorrow and then we'll see how things go.

Strength continues to be my biggest challenge at this point.  I suppose that since I have been in varying levels of pain and disability for six years, I'm not just going to quickly pop out of it!  So we take things bit by bit.  I go to about all of the kids' activities, work a little more then half days and then try to rest in the afternoon so that I can get through the evenings.  Seems like this has been the routine for a long time now, and I don't see it changing anytime soon.  I can tell that my level of activity is increasing a little, which is good.  Humanly speaking, the waiting for additional strength is a challenge!  I hope that if I continue moving forward and trying to a little more bit by bit that gradually I will improve to the point that a full day isn't utterly exhausting!  :)

Having the "real" mom and wife has been probably a little challenging for my family.  Overall, very good but still just different.  I think it probably feels like they are living with a new person in the house and there are always periods of adjustment when someone "new" moves in!  The Psalms particularly provide so much solace to me.  The Lord has His hand upon me, He has a path laid out for us and it is a good plan.  It isn't always so easy, but He never promised easy.  But He did promise that He is always here, always plans each little part of our lives, and loves us more than we can comprehend.  With that knowledge we will continue to move forward, day by day, living for Him.

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