Thursday, June 7, 2012


I don't have a lot of news.  JH just received the cd so it took much longer than overnight as expected.  They will review it and call next week.  We are also getting an opinion from a gynecologic oncologist in SF

I visited with my local doctor--who I so appreciate--and he explained that what hadn't been seen before with this cyst is that there is now blood flow to it.  It actually did grow a little bigger rather than get smaller.  It is "solid" in that it isn't the fluid filled cyst like usual.  He felt more positive, though, because I am not losing weight and not feeling sick.

So now we wait.  I am optimistic but perhaps I am just a hopeless optimist!  I can't imagine having cancer after everything else that has happened.  So perhaps it is called denial.  Regardless, we trust the Lord has a plan and we will continue just taking things one day at a time!


Anonymous said...

Cindy - I will be praying!

Amy Van Roekel

courtney hill said...

Keeping you & your family in my thoughts and prayers!

Carey said...

Yuck! Will be praying. Keep that optimism flowing!

Anonymous said...

I'm praying for you and your family, Cindy. Hope you have some good news soon!