Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I had my ultrasound again today.  I won't have any official results or decisions from the doctor for a while yet.  However, I was able to find out two things.  First, the complex cyst they are watching is still there but perhaps slightly smaller.  Second, I have another cyst that is very large!  To my untrained eye my guess would be that it isn't concerning but the tech thought that it is a complex cyst as well.  She is surprised that I am not feeling pain with it.  So now we will see what the doctor has to say.

My head is still doing well.  I am just amazed that the Lord has answered our prayers in this way at this time.  Today as I walked through the hospital to have the ultrasound done, I had to stifle excitement that perhaps I won't have to spend much time in hospitals in the future!  I know hospitals are places of healing for which I am thankful, but I really have spent way to many days in hospitals over the last 6 years and I would prefer to call those days history!

It is interesting to me how life has changed.  While my head was bad, I was providentially able to block conflict and difficult things from my mind.  If I allowed myself to think about difficult things my head would just get worse very quickly.  It truly was a gift from the Lord that let me so successfully block those things because I just couldn't deal with them.  Now, however, I am not able to block those things.  And there are some things going on right now that hurt and I would  like to block them!  There are so many blessings in having a clear head, but this has been the hardest part for me.  In addition, I am seeing so many ways that I have lacked as a parent and wife over the last years and it has been a difficult transition for everyone, including myself, to have the "real me" back.  Of course, even thought my head is much better I know that I still lack in many areas but I am trying to improve some things but it isn't easy.

In all of my prayers for healing, I really didn't think about the things that I would need to deal with if I were healed.  I am so thankful and grateful for having the opportunity to begin living life a little more normally.  But there are challenges that I didn't anticipate.  Perhaps this is a reminder from the Lord that I will continue to rely on Him for all things and that He still is in control of each moment of my life.


Anonymous said...

You are an amazing woman who shows me the type of person that I need to be. You are a wonderful person and with all that you have been through God will surely make you and your family stronger.
God Bless You!

Amy Van Roekel

Anonymous said...

Love you you write your thoughts, it's just like I can see your wheels turning and know what you are thinking. God gives grace for each day and gives what we are able to handle. Amazing!