Thursday, September 22, 2011


I contiue to struggle with gaining strength.  I become quite exhausted each day and not sure how to get this moving in the right direction.  My head is doing okay but not nearly as good as it was this summer.  I pray that I can "get there" again and maybe stay there longer.

Sometimes it is hard to believe all that has happened.  Can it be true that I have had five surgeries in my brain in the last few years plus several more surgeries?  I think we each just walk through life assuming that these types of things happen to other people and now I am one of those "other" people.  Normally I go through each day without thinking about these things, but sometimes I do stop and wonder how this became my life.  So many people don't know the "real" me but this person that I have become.  It was so exciting to be able to peak out this summer and introduce the real me.  I am sad that the real me has disappeared again.  I am particularly sad that my kids are growing up with just a part of their mom there.  Tanner and Kylie has some memories of the real me and Riley and Tara obviously don't.  I pray that the Lord's plan includes having my health restored or that He gives me the strength and fortitude that I need each day if that isn't in His plan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I know it must be very hard for you to continue to blog and keep posting after all of these surgeries and your life responsibilities. But I know the blogging on my husband's brain injury and my own current illnesses helps me find something positive in everyday. I have to look hard and deep into myself some of those days, but if we are following in his footsteps, then he will help us with the pitfalls. Good luck with all of this. Sincerely, Ginger