Thursday, December 31, 2009

New years eve

Another week has passed. The holiday season has been wonderful and difficult. It is so good to be able to participate but it has been too much for me. Between the storms coming through and just too much going on, I haven't been feeling so great at all. I've really tried to behave and not do to much but it seems that just having the activity going on around me is still too much. Hopefully as things start settling down I will start feeling a little better again. As usual, it is a little unnerving to have my head hurting a little more and the ringing in my ears is louder and constant.

This morning we went out for breakfast with Kyle's parents before work, which was so nice! Then the kids went to Karleen's house where they will stay overnight tonight. We will drive down to get them tomorrow. I have really needed some quiet time and am trying to relax now and hopefully that will help things a bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Praying 2010 will be a wonderful year for you and your family.