Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I woke up Tuesday morning and realized right away that there was a problem.  My left eye that had the surgery was swelled half shut and very red.  My eyelid was swelled and it looked wrong.  We assumed that I had an infection in my eye and were instructed to call right away with those types of symptoms.

Thankfully the doctor didn't think it is infected.  Two stitches that are helping to hold the white tissue in place were poking out a bit.  He said that this causes a great deal of irritation on the eye and eye lid.  So after numbing my eye he attempted to pull them out.  They didn't come out so he pulled them a bit and and clipped them off.  Since my eye was numb I didn't feel much and the light was so bright in that eye that I couldn't see which is best.  :)  When the numbing solution wore off I could tell right away that it was much less abrasive to blink.

The surgery is considered successful.  I am slightly cross-eyed which they planned.  The muscle will gradually tighten so they prefer that it be a little over corrected to start.  I can tell the muscle in that eye is very weak because it is harder to stay focused in that eye and it is harder to look around staying focused.  That will come with time.

My head has been feeling considerably better!  The primary goal so far seems to be in sight.  If I do to much with my eyes I get a little more headache-y but I think that would be normal for anyone.  So we continue on!

1 comment:

Mary and Lyle said...

Hi Cindy,

So glad to hear that your head is feeling considerably better. Now we just need this to keep up!! Take care and let's get together soon!
