Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday evening. . . the night before. . .

Tomorrow is surgery number 15 in the string of surgeries for my headaches.  Tonight as I have been contemplating the surgery I have questioned again whether this is the right decision.  Why so many surgeries?  Am I to quick to just jump into another surgery?  But yet I have tested the theory at home by covering one eye and then the other for periods of time.  It truly does help a lot.  Do I think that my headaches will be gone?  No.  My prayer is that the Lord is providing a way to decrease the intensity of the headaches although I trust that He could remove the headaches.

My head has steadily been stronger although some days worse than others.  This last week has been particularly challenging.  Kyle finally gave me a Toradol shot Wednesday afternoon and I felt better Thursday.  Then I had him give me one Friday morning--the last day I could have one--in hopes that I would feel okay Saturday.  I had woken up Friday morning with the headache pretty strong again.  Thankfully the strategy worked and I felt pretty good on Saturday.  That was very important to me because my sweet niece, Bethany had a shower in the morning and my sister-in-law and I were putting on a second shower in the afternoon.  Feeling well was an answer to prayer!

So tomorrow I will have another surgery.  It should be simple and easy to recover from.  I so hope and pray that the Lord will allow me to have more relief from these headaches!


Deb O said...

Prayers for you and your family as you anticipate another surgery. May God continue to guide you through this journey and grant you peace and healing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!

Yes, Saturday was very busy, but it turned out great! :-) I had a lot of fun doing the shower with you! I pray that your eye procedure goes well this morning and I pray that you can feel the effects of that procedure very fast.

Love, Robin

Mary and Lyle said...

Hi Cindy!

Thinking of you today as you have this surgery! I am praying it will give you relief from your headaches. The Lord is good and His ways are perfect. Praying for you!
