Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I continue to do well overall. For the most part, my headache has remained away. I am having trouble with noise. A couple times I have been in a noisy place and if I end up being in it to long I will have a headache. The worst was yesterday where I had to be in a noisy place for a few hours and ended up needing a shot of pain medication. However, that helped a lot and I am feeling very good again today.

The Maryland doctors have called again to see me and I may end up having to go out there in a few weeks. I would really rather stay home, but we will see how things work out. I haven't made progress on finding a doctor around here and am a little skeptical that I will find one. We were thinking about it the other day and it may be difficult to find a doctor in this area that can perform the test that they use to determine how the shunt is working.

Kyle and I had a nice time away. It was good to get away from the significant stresses we have had the last years. We are blessed! I am so thankful for a loving and caring husband.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are very thankful to read the good news of better health to you, Cindy!Also glad to read that you and Kyle were able to get a way for a few days and enjoy some "marriage enrichment"!We continue to remember you both and your children in the days ahead and hope that you continue to regain the blessings of good health and strength.

Love, Uncle AL & Aunt Alice