Saturday, April 2, 2011


Too busy. That is how I would describe this week. Many very good things but exhausting for this old lady. I am sitting in my chair at home, and probably won't do much of anything all day in hopes of feeling a little better. With one huge exception--I am going to the school musical again. I went last night, and what a bunch of incredibly talented 7th and 8th grade kids! The teachers and all those that helped should be considered hero's for the time and commitment they made to make the production so great! As excited as I was to be there and as proud I am of my daughter in the musical, it was very loud and very busy--a little more than my head likes to process. So if I sit really quietly this morning, I will have the priviledge of watching one more time. It is so worth it!

I still haven't sent my paperwork to Johns Hopkins. Partly because, even though it is nearly ready to go, I just haven't wanted to spend the time going through it to get it ready to send. Partly because I feel another rejection coming on. Maybe I'm not ready to know that this is as good as it gets. As long as I don't send it, I can't get the answers that I may not want to hear.


Anonymous said...

Cindy-So happy you were able to attend the Beauty & the Beast" ! :) I'll bet Kailey told you we saw it twice too! :) You are right.,,. they did a wonderful job... those silly girls and a certain announcer,plate and villager! :) How special, too, to see so many involved. Hope you did okay after a good nights sleep and continue to improve..Millie

Carey said...

Honesty...that's the last paragraph. Thanks for being real. I've had that a time or two (or thousand) in my life when I procrastinate as well, even though not as much was at stake for me.

So AWESOME that you got to go see the musical! It was amazing. Hard to believe they're only 7-8th graders. To be commended for sure. This was my first SCCS jr high musical, can't wait to see more. Probably will since after this year I'll have kids in Jr. High!

Praying for relief and answers for you friend!