Saturday, April 30, 2011


The stronger headache continues, but it isn't as bad as yesterday. It hurt very badly to move at all yesterday and today I have been up and around more. Yesterday the meds helped and today I haven't taken anything.

I have a spinal tap scheduled for Monday morning. We will see how I do the rest of today and tomorrow. It would be a blessing if it would improve to the point where I was before again. The questions are difficult to silence in my mind. If the pressure is low, why is this happening again so soon? Is the pump of the shunt not working well? Or if it is high, surgery would be a likelyhood. So much is happening this month with the kids, though, and it breaks my heart to think of missing a lot again. So I am trying very hard to take it moment by moment and trust that the Lord's plan is good, no matter what.

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