Monday, April 11, 2011


Overall the meeting out of town went well. By the time I was home I was thoroughly exhausted though! My nerves have settled down quite a bit since my three week episode, but by the end of the day of the meeting I had trouble with it again, primarily by shaking and feeling the "pulsing" of my nerves constantly. A good reminder that under normal circumstances, I am not ready for all of that yet.

I thought that I would regain my strength, at least to the level that I had before the "episode," fairly quickly. That has not been the case. I was down for three weeks, and thought that I should pop back up in about that amount of time. Last week I had a few big days, but I ended up being in bed by 9:00 every night and took a nap three or four times through the week. They were not planned, but I would lay down to rest and just drop off which I normally don't do. I slept several hours yesterday afternoon, so hopefully that will carry me through a ways this week!

This is a busy time of the year. I am very thankful that I have been able to see a number of our kids' activities. Once again I am trying very hard to be thankful for what I can do rather than get frustrated with what I can't do. That is easier said than done some days, but I am trying. The Lord has a plan for my life, and although I don't understand it I am grateful to know that He does and that His plan is best.

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