Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another year! Happy Birthday to me! :)

I have made it another year, and overall it has been a good year. I'm not sure if I am ready to actually be a year older, though! In a way it is really hard to believe that it has actually been a year since I've had a surgery or been hospitalized. What a blessing!

I still have a little more headache than before. The weather has been fluctuating yet, so I am hoping that is it. I am just taking things a day at a time, though, and hoping that I start feeling better


Anonymous said...

happy birthday cindy!

Carey said...

Happy Birthday!!

Good to see you out walking with Kyle tonight. Said a prayer for an increased strength (and a skip in your step) as I passed.

God Bless!!

Mary and Lyle said...

Hey Cindy! Hope you had a good birthday with your family. I'm so sorry you had to bump your head right where the shunt is placed. That sounded SO painful. I am praying it gets better every day. Boy the worst storms were right around your birthday. Did that seem to affect you? I was thinking of you! Praying that you stay our of the hospital and that the headaches lessen! Love ya!
