Thursday, November 29, 2012


Please pray for my dad!  He has been having chest pain for quite some time--maybe 6 months or so--but didn't tell anyone until last week when the pain became too strong.  He has also been experiencing increasing weakness and exhaustion.  After seeing a cardiologist this week, they found that he has damage at the bottom of his heart.  The doctor isn't sure what it is yet, but they are doing an angiogram this morning at 10:00.  It may be necessary to put in a stint or multiple stints or it could result in open heart surgery. At this point we just have to wait and see.

My dad has always been very strong and tough.  It is hard to see him like this, although we have been seeing over the last months that he has been slowing down and not being his typical self.

We trust the Lord in this, too, know that His plan is perfect.  It isn't easy seeing him struggle physically.  My parents have has so very many hardships and difficulties.  It is a comfort to be reminded in the passage that I previously quoted, though, that the Lord disciplines those He loves.  I am quite sure He loves them very much!

1 comment:

Angela Vander Stoep said...

Holding your Dad and Mom and your whole family up in prayers Cindy!
Kevin and Angie Vander Stoep and family