Thursday, November 29, 2012

Once more today

Thankfully dad came through surgery very well!  He is already feeling better and my mom says that he looks a lot better, too!  The doctor showed a before and after picture of the artery that was blocked.  The before picture showed an opening about the size of a needle just barely allowing blood through.  The second looked dramatically different with the opening large and blood flowing well.  They call this particular artery the "Widow Maker" because if it is blocked, you are done.  Oh, we have so much to be thankful for!

Dad will be in the hospital overnight and should be released tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I've been thinking of your Dad. Hope he is doing well! I'm thinking of you today as you are in Baltimore. Please let us know how your appointment went and if they had any helpful news for you. Praying for you and sending love.
