Saturday, April 10, 2010

Learning opportunity

Well, I did something rather um. . . dumb. . . this week. The story begins with my vitamins running out over the weekend. I take several really good vitamins each morning and evening. I knew they would be coming in mid to late this week so I just didn't take any. However, I always take a pill in the morning and evening. But, since I take it with my vitamins I completely forgot to take it. Well, my headache became stronger and stronger. Finally Wednesday morning I told Kyle that I just wasn't sure what to do. Pain medication doesn't really help. Welll, we were discussing it and he asked me about the pill I take. I then realized that I hadn't been taking it! I immediately started taking it again and within a day I started feeling better.

It was not so smart, but it was an interesting test! Obviously I am not just imagining that it helps! I don't think I will do that again. It seems so ridiculous that I forgot to take it, but I think that it was such a habit to take them all together and since the habit was "broken" I just didn't think about it. I am thankful that it really is helping. The yucky weather earlier this week didn't help the situation, either.

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